
Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Internet explorer is starting left by user

Internet explorer is starting left by user

Based on researched by Net applications for one hundred and sixty million unique visitors who have access forty thousand of website address show that Microsoft’s users continued to decrease.
Internet Explorer’s users amount about 59.22 percent on February 2011, but fell down at 58.35 percent on March. Having 57 percent of users on April until May but this numbers continued to decrease until the end of this year with 51.87 percent.
Google chrome as a new browser felt the same way too along this year. The percentage of Chrome’s users increased significantly. On February 2011, amount of users reached 11,41 percent and kept increase month by month until on December got 19,11 percent.
Mozilla firefox has no significant changed for the amount of user. Through this year, Mozilla Firefox’s users are about 21, 83 percent. Comparing with safari, opera and others browsers are about 4 percent, 2 percent even less than 1 percent.
Microsoft decision did IE9 hidden upgrades which was able to suppress of IE6’s and IE7’s user amount to switch IE8 and IE9. But Microsoft is still unable to increase IE’s user amount overall. If we compare between IE8 with IE9, IE8 is the most commonly used than IE9.

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